Upload Your Logo This video walks you thru the steps to customize your application with your company’s logo. Logos can be in a...
Update Company Info Learn how to update all of your companies info such as address, phone number, and the contact name and email...
Password Reset There are two ways to reset your password. using the Forgot Password link at the sign in page, or manually...
Changing the Color Scheme Choose color schemes to completely customize the look of your app. Keep in mind that any changes you make here...
Assign a license Optional add-on services, such as GPS Tracking, may be available based on your company’s subscription options. Add-on services must be...
Update user information To access the web or mobile app, a user’s account must be active. You can activate and deactivate users as...
Add a user picture Assigning a picture to a user will help you identify your users. Images must be a JPG or PNG, have...
Creating a group Groups help keep you organized so you can find the information you need, when you need it. Create groups for...
Assign a user to a group The group view feature allows you to control which users can view group data in the web application. If a...
Creating sub-groups You may find it useful to create sub-groups within a larger group. For example, you might create groups for job...